Hexo 热门主题列表
Hexo的官方网站维护了一个用户提交的主题列表1,但遗憾的是,Hexo的官网也是一个静态网站,所以并没有排序功能,默认,过滤和搜索也不好用,甚至有的主题的Github Repo都404了,所以这个页面并不能从291个主题中,直观的告诉我们哪个主题好用。
不过万幸的是,Hexo官网本体也是开源的,所以我们能够很容易的找到这个主题列表的yaml原始数据2。我们用脚本读这个原始数据,并解析其中的Github repo名,再通过Github API获取这些repo的star数量,就可以大概看出来哪些主题比较热门(用的人比较多),然后选一个自己喜欢、好用(且大概率有人维护)的主题了。
如果有心的话,读者还可以继续对比 repo 的其他统计数据,比如 commit 数量、最后更新时间、issue数量等等,我自己没有需求,所以就不再深挖了。
这个表格是根据本文写作时,Github中Stargazer数量进行排序的,表格里的badge使用 Shields.IO 生成,其中的Star数量是实时更新的,因此实际star数量不一定与表格中的顺序相同,也不一定与官方的主题列表2保持同步。
表格中 主题名
列的超链接是这个主题的demo, 源代码
列点进去是这个主题的Github repo或者作者放源码的网站。
主题名 | 描述 | 源代码 |
NexT | NexT is an elegant and powerful theme | |
Material | An elegant & Material Design Theme | |
Icarus | A simple, delicate, and modern theme | |
indigo | Material Design theme | |
Maupassant | A simple theme with great performance on different devices | |
Apollo | A theme inspired by http://cn.vuejs.org/ | |
Tranquilpeak | A gorgeous responsive theme | |
Matery | A beautiful theme with material design and responsive design | |
Cactus | A responsive, clean and simple theme for a personal webpage | |
Yelee | Another simple and elegant theme by MOxFIVE | |
Even | A simple theme | |
Hueman | A redesign of Alx’s wordpress theme Hueman | |
Jacman | A fresh looking and responsive theme | |
Melody | A simple & beautiful & fast theme | |
Archer | A smart and modern theme | |
Asnippet | A simple and interesting theme | |
Anisina | A support qiniu image cdn , simple responsive theme | |
Diaspora | A clean and responsive theme | |
Huxblog | A lean and elegant Theme with optimized SEO (Ported) | |
TKL | A responsive design theme | |
pure | Theme pure. It’s a pure theme | |
Minos | A simple and retro styled theme, concentrated more on your ideas | |
Anatole | A white and simple theme, originated from a Farbox theme | |
One | Material and One page | |
Vexo | Vexo is a theme inspired by Vue’s official website | |
Butterfly | A simple & beautiful & fast theme | |
Raytaylorism | A Material Design theme of with powerful features | |
Hacker | A simple theme inspired by Wordpress theme Hacker | |
Material-X | a material design theme | |
Replica | A github style replication theme | |
Skapp | A simple & beautiful & fast theme | |
Wikitten | A personal wiki imitate Wikitten style | |
Fluid | An elegant and light theme | |
BeanTech | Clean, elegant and beautiful Theme with optimized SEO | |
Nexmoe | A special Hexo theme | |
BMW | BMW is not only clean but also very powerful theme | |
Freemind | Fully taking advantages of Bootstrap | |
CleanBlog | Fully featured, bootstrap blog | |
AirCloud | A light and clean theme | |
Annie | Annie is a simple theme. If you like literature and poetry, it might suit you! | |
Sakura | A beautiful theme | |
Inside | ❤️ SPA, flat and clean theme. | |
Hiker | An attractive, exquisite theme | |
MiccallTheme | A theme with Gorgeous fullscreen background image | |
BlueLake | A responsive , simple theme | |
light | Default theme | |
3-hexo | Three sections, simple and convenient, like evernote | |
Ocean | Ocean is a mobile-enabled theme based on the features in theme landscape | |
PolarBear | A light theme base on Even, inspired by Giuem | |
MaterialFlow | Yet another material design theme | |
AD | Art Design is a modern theme for current screen and browser. It supports to lock passage without plugins! | |
AlphaDust | A futuristic responsive theme | |
Edinburgh | Clean, beautiful portfolio theme | |
gal | https://mygalgame.com wordpress theme | |
Daily | Minimalism, simplicity and refined details | |
Chic | An elegant,powerful,easy-to-read responsive Hexo theme. | |
tomotoes | A simple theme based on indigo, add new feature and new style | |
Typing | A pure and fresh theme | |
A-Boy | A Clear and Light Theme | |
Claudia | Grace, simple theme | |
Typography | Rediscover the beauty of typography | |
landscape | A brand new default theme | |
JSimple | A simple three columns theme which inspired by JianShu.com | |
Cafe | Pursuit of simplicity, simple operation, reading comfort | |
Phantom | Full featured, visual blog | |
Hiero | A free magazine and blog style theme | |
doc | A documentation theme | |
Ochuunn | Clean, elegant and beautiful Theme with optimized SEO | |
A-Obsidian | A dark Hexo theme, it’s responsive, simple but elegant. | |
MiHo | A simple, clean and responsive theme | |
Laughing | A lightweight and focus on the theme of the reading experience | |
Yilia-plus | A simple and elegant theme for hexo. | |
Nlvi | A simple theme named Nlvi | |
Random | A theme with random fullscreen background image | |
Hipaper | A fashional newspaper theme | |
Nayo | A clean theme | |
Corporate | A professional theme based on the Corporate Frontend framework | |
Shana | A theme about shana | |
varaint | The theme of a minimalist | |
Aath | A theme inspired by zhihu and juejin | |
Pln | A plain theme | |
Aero-Dual | Minimal and responsive. Easy/automatic switch of dark and light theme style by simple configuration. Theme color change is also easy | |
Typescript | A minimal theme | |
hollow | A pure and elegant theme | |
Freemind.386 | Freemind.386 is a retro-style theme | |
Chan | A super simple and elegant theme | |
ARIA | Inspired by Kalafina’s song ARIA | |
Lite | Keep Calm, Light and Writing, using Vue.js and Typescript | |
Overdose | ⚠ Caution: you could be overdosed with this theme. | |
Clover | A real simple theme | |
mellow | Material Design theme | |
Very-Simple | A black/white theme for which tend to be simple and elegant | |
Anodyne | Clean and Bright Theme with cute icons | |
A-Ayer | A Clean and Beautiful Theme for Hexo, also responsive. | |
mdui | A google plus like theme | |
Wixo | Turn your site into a Wiki! | |
Vateral | A simple theme named Vateral | |
black-blue | A wonderful black theme | |
Magnetic | Full featured, visual blog | |
Smackdown | A simple and cool theme | |
Primer | Github Style Theme | |
Crisp-Minimal-Resume | A minimalist resume template for Hexo | |
XOXO | A responsive and simple theme | |
yinwang | Simplest View For Your Article Best | |
Concise-theme | A simple theme based on theme landscape | |
Bootstrap-Blog | A simple Twitter Bootstrap blog theme | |
ylion | A simple and surprising theme for you | |
cold-stone | A simple, clean, text-based Hexo blog theme. | |
Again | Medium like, but more awesome | |
Cxo | A cool ,simple & beautiful theme | |
Flexy | Flexy is a modern theme, written in Jade and Stylus using Flexbox | |
Jekyll | A theme inspired by jekyllrb.com | |
jane | A very simple theme | |
CyanStyle | Inspired by Wordpress theme Twentytwelve | |
Xups | A simple and flat theme | |
phase | Feel the flow of time with Phase | |
ANTIQUITY | A Chinese antiquity theme | |
bubuzou | A theme inspired by apollo | |
believe | A sample theme named believe | |
another | A pithy and pure template | |
Geektutu | A fast theme with light color | |
icalm | Light and elegant | |
Autumn | Recreate one classic and elegant wordpress theme — button | |
cutie | A responsive, clean and cute theme heavily inspired by Pinghsu | |
Element | Another minimal theme | |
Fan | A dark theme | |
Geek | A very simple theme of hexo blog geek. | |
Paperbox | A responsive paper-like theme | |
MeiliDu | A beautiful read | |
Book | A simple, elegant, book-like hexo theme with some useful features. | |
Noise | Noise description that no one should read | |
Cactus Light | The light version of Cactus Dark, a responsive, light and simple theme for a personal webpage | |
A-RSnippet | A beautiful and comprehensive responsive theme. The goal is to achieve as many functionalities as possible | |
hexadillax | XadillaX built this theme with love and an otaku heart | |
Aloha | a pure, simple, and responsive theme, it use Semantic-UI, and integrated Algolia search engine | |
Prontera | A fast and modern theme | |
Solar | 3D solar animation, clean, dark theme, simple and responsive | |
A-Huhu | A simple and constantly revise theme. | |
Nuna | A pure, minimalism and elegant theme | |
brewski | A minimal theme | |
simpleblock | A simple theme inspired by Twenty Twelve | |
beautiful-hexo | A simple responsive beautiful theme | |
Oishi | A pure, simple, white, and responsive theme, it’s integrated some Chinese local third services, such as Baidu statistics, duoshuo, etc | |
React | Material design multipurpose theme | |
curry | A beautiful theme with reference to Bear’s reading experience | |
Terminal | A simple and clean theme | |
flex-block | A simple block blog style based on a flex layout | |
casual | A simple and cool theme | |
Cactus White | A white version of Cactus Dark, responsive, clean and simple theme for a personal webpage | |
Polk | Simple blog theme, focusing on articles | |
stun | A beautiful & simple theme | |
cube | A Theme inspired by DIYgod wordpress theme | |
gstyle | a theme with google style | |
Dxx | A sample theme | |
Clexy | Clexy, A clean and elegant theme | |
Sky | a concise theme | |
A-ACE | A Comprehensive Elegant Theme | |
Toki | A simple but elegant theme | |
PureBlue | A light color theme with simple style. | |
carbon | Carbon is a simple theme using pjax for elegant loading | |
Nova | A theme using swig template aimed to build github project site conveniently | |
Materialize | A clean materialize css theme with home page layout different than the other pages | |
Amber | A boostrap blog theme | |
artemis | A minimalist theme inspired by Apollo, built with Pug and Sass | |
Life | 记录生活,为写作而生! | |
hexoThemeKacper | Suitable for products blog | |
Adoubi | A simple theme without tags, categories, comments and other chaos | |
Prince | A SIMPLE and CLEAN theme | |
MyFairLady | Girls pink heart theme | |
microb | A very simple theme use pure css and less js | |
Resume | a material design theme | |
A-Snail | A beautiful hexo theme | |
Gradient | Gradient is clean and modern theme | |
Gandalfr | Yet, just another blog theme, based on theme apollo | |
Only | Nothing strange. It’s only a theme | |
Sw-blog | Transparent theme, with station search | |
Ada | Ada is an concise theme | |
wiki-i18n | A theme for i18n wiki site | |
LandFarZ | A blue-colored theme based on theme Light | |
Chiangmai | A theme inspired by Chiangmai City | |
Simplest | Very simple, written with swig & scss | |
Dev Dark | A simple dark theme, responsive and light | |
Yearn | A responsive and simple theme | |
strata | A responsive full featured blog or portfolio theme | |
snark | A dark theme with lofter style | |
octo | A port of the Octopress 2 ‘classic’ theme | |
Mtics-Resume | A simple and minimal hexo resume theme | |
Foundation | A theme based on the Zurb Foundation 5 theme | |
twentyfifteen-wordpress | A clean, lightweight and responsive theme | |
Paper | A Simple Clean Paper-like Theme for Hexo with Darkmode! | |
X’new | X’new theme. Referred from https://github.com/sjaakvandenberg/flexy | |
Lemon-Lime | A refreshing theme | |
Griddy | Hexo theme for artist & photographer showing their work | |
Free2mind | A new debonaire theme | |
ztopic | A simple responsive theme | |
Icer | A simple theme | |
Utone | A pure and minimalist theme | |
concise | A beautiful and simple theme | |
QnA | A FAQ theme | |
Cicada | A concise and retro theme | |
Aa-Lx | A light & simple & elegant theme | |
legend | A theme with background video and audio | |
LanMiao | A Pink and simple theme | |
wind | A light and pure theme, in this complicated world | |
simple-japanese | Makes Japanese more readable and beautiful | |
dawn | Theme dawn. It’s a dawn theme | |
still | Still is a minimal, pure colored theme inspired by farbox and apollo | |
yinwang | An imitation of yinwang’s blog | |
zero | Just for fun | |
olive | the first theme which has light mode | |
icarus-rtl-jalaali | Add jalaali calendar and create a rtl layout on icarus theme | |
Chord | A simple and pure template | |
Morgan | A concise theme, Style-Framework based on Tocas-UI | |
Lap | A beautiful and clean theme, with station search and easy comment | |
Simple | Simple & Fresh, written with jade & less | |
pteris | A materialize and clean theme in nunjucks | |
Materialized | A cool materialized theme for Hexo. | |
sam | A simple, clean theme | |
zzoman2015 | Simplest Theme by ZZOMAN | |
Samljen | Another simple blog theme, inspired by Choo | |
Adagio | A simple, elegant, calm, responsive theme with applause button, math support, and much more. | |
default | An elegant Material Design theme for Hexo, based on MDUI. | |
Goyangin | A Simple theme with Bulma Framework CSS | |
Hive | a minimalist theme | |
ele | An elegant theme for pure reading, thinking and writing | |
Amorfati | A responsive simple theme | |
Slice | A Simple & Beautiful SinglePaged Theme | |
Conci | A concise theme | |
Mango | Simple & Light Theme | |
Twitter Bootstrap | Suited for coding. Green accented. Bootstrapped based. With disqus support | |
classless | The Classless templates and themes implemented | |
pandollo | A clean and minimal theme, inspired by Panda Syntax theme and Apollo theme | |
AcetoLog | A beautiful & simple theme. | |
Corazon | A simple theme. I hope I can maintain for a long time | |
Line | A responsive, neat and simple theme | |
mls | A theme with a fullscreen background image and transparent elements | |
fabric | A simple theme, support archive and tags cloud | |
blairos | A simple & beautiful & fast theme, focused on articles | |
iLiKE | A clean and responsive theme | |
orange | A simple theme for recording life. | |
xoxo-plus | A Simple Template | |
zhaoo | A simple theme for Hexo. | |
Hermes | Updated, opinionated continuation of the Apollo theme | |
artemisX | A simple theme based on artemis, add new feature and new style | |
Technology | A technology theme | |
Mdm | A material design theme, with dark mode. Suitable for PC & Phone | |
Lights | A simple theme | |
Mokusei | A dark theme | |
Purely | Theme. Pure! | |
rexo | Rexo is a minimally customized theme that supports RTL | |
Stage | A refreshing and comfortable theme | |
yanchangyou | A simple and easy read theme that inspired by Next | |
Tsu | A light and simple theme | |
Type | A material design hexo theme | |
mintin | A simple theme | |
Space Cadet | A modern, purple-accented Bootstrap 4 blog | |
codeteenager | A flat topic for an exclusive programmer | |
clean-dark | A Simple Clean Dark Theme for Hexo | |
Freemind.bithack | A dark , pixel art theme for Hexo. | |
cold | A super cool theme | |
zhl | A sample and clean theme | |
Vanilla | A fast and plain theme | |
fun | a responsive design theme | |
Yin | A Simple Theme for hexo. | |
Starry | A responsive starry theme for Hexo. | |
cheatsheets | Help you create your own cheatsheets. | |
Minami | A Clear and Light Theme | |
smash | A colorful React-like theme! | |
Minidyne | Minimalistic Theme | |
simperlog | Simple responsive personal blog theme | |
SB | Clean and simple theme | |
Empty-Light | A Clean And Dark Theme | |
simple-black | A simple and black theme | |
syefe | An imitation of Baidu EFE template | |
Siberia | A beautiful and scalable theme | |
Soul | An independently designed, dark-style theme. | |
July | A minimalist, focused writing Hexo theme. | |
Lightx | A concise and elegant hexo theme | |
mono | An extremely simple and customizable blog theme | |
nebula | A simple, clean, dark theme | |
Tree | A simple tree directory theme for Hexo. | |
bulxo | A simple, modern, beautiful theme with Bulma | |
hannah | A simple & beautiful & fast theme | |
Milan | Beautiful, responsive e-commerce theme with built-in cart functionality | https://gum.co/hexo-theme-milan |
St. Andrews | Clean, beautiful blogging theme | https://gumroad.com/l/hexo-theme-standrews |
lightime | Inspired by Hugo theme Cactus | |
LightOne | Remove the sidebar from theme light | |
Weightless | A lightweight theme with minimal fuss | https://git.fm/zllovesuki/hexo-theme-weightless |
grace | A simple and grace theme | |
Staunch | A clean and focus on words theme | |
Suka | A Modern and Simple Theme, with a lot of powerful features | https://theme.suka.moe |